Sarah Michelle GellarNOTE: Gallery is updated and running! Msg Board, survey, more, and chat sections still under construction. Game section updated but not done. Guestbook getting fixed, and broken links to be fixed also. Welcome to the NEW Sarah Michelle Gellar, Only Sarah Michelle Gellar fan site. The place where we only talk Sarah Michelle Gellar, mention Sarah Michelle Gellar, and show pictures containing Sarah Michelle Gellar (sometimes with co-stars), all the time. Here you will be able to find several things on Sarah: From Picture Galleries, to Filmtography, to her Profiles, Multimedia for download and much more. There are also EXCLUSIVES on this page which cannot be found anywhere else. And you guessed it, they are marked as EXCLUSIVE. From Clips of Sarah's favorite song, to articles no one knows about. This is the site where you will find it all. If it has Sarah in it, and if it's not here, you can find it everywhere or you don't need it. If you are wondering where the links are, I don't have any. I mean linking the countless Sarah Michelle Gellar sites would take forever. So I didn't include any. Because this site has all the info you'll ever need on Sarah. Also please sign my guestbook. You can look also look at it if you want. Just use the buttons on the left or the menu on the bottom of every page to navigate. I hope you enjoy your stay and please send your comments to SarahMGellar@goplay.com. Please put a title on your subjects of your e-mails or I won't read them. One more thing I won't read e-mails with just "SMG" or "hi" in the title, seriously. This site has been tested on Netscape and Explorer, at resolutions of 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1152x864. All are compatible; this is probably the most compatible Sarah Michelle Gellar site on the net.
Last Updated: Wednesday May 23rdth, 2001 10:26:36 PM |
Another Great GoPlay Free Homepage!
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